There’s a reason you are here…
It’s time to break free.
Therapy for Individuals and Couples in El Dorado Hills, CA
Those emotions you can’t control
… they weigh you down with undeniable strength.
It is hard to reach out.
You send dark texts to friends, followed by a laugh or winking emoji, to show that you are just joking… that you are really okay.
But you are not okay.
There is a sad truth behind the uncomfortable jokes, and you are searching for a connection.
Will they look beyond the words to the deeper meaning?
Will it resonate with them? Will they see my truth?

Everything is difficult and you are easily fatigued.
Gone are the lunch dates and happy hours with colleagues.
Exercise classes with friends are too much physically and socially.
Anything that requires energy has fallen off the calendar.
Nothing interests you anymore.
Work is suffering because you can’t concentrate.
The ballgame is forgotten.
The sound of the laugh track on your favorite TV show irritates you, so it goes unwatched.
In the corner sits a guitar, collecting dust as you have given up playing it, but you can’t remember when or why.

Peace and joy are a distant memory.
The emotional pain is unbearable, and it feels like your soul is being crushed. As if all these possibilities that used to be are no longer. The life you envisioned is not the life you are living.
A negative mantra takes over.
“I am unneeded… I am unwanted… I am unloved.”
It is untrue. Yet in this state of negativity, it feels true.

Looking for a way to break free…
You are hesitant to hope that change is possible.
Hesitant that maybe you have found a therapist who not only understands you,
but can help you find the happiness and joy you are seeking.
You’ve come to the right place. I can help.
Hi, I’m Christine.
Through our work together, you will find the joy you have been missing.
We will address what got you to this point in a safe, non-judgmental environment. Together, we will create and implement a plan of action to get you to where you want to be, building upon your tools and strengths.
There will be no more missed opportunities, no more negative mantra, and no more overwhelming emotions.
I can help you discover happiness again.

Break the
cycle of uncertainty
and negativity.
You can do this. And I’ll be with
you every step of the way.
Call me so we can get started